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Tip of the Week

Frequently Asked Questions - Add common questions that my patients ask before booking an appointment

Reinna avatar
Shared by Reinna • July 01, 2024

Do you have a list of common questions that patients ask before booking an appointment?

We've added an all new Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) area inside your SeriousMD account.

Simply head over to your FAQ area by clicking here or you can find it anytime in your My Profile section.

Here's a Help Center article in case you need more help. ❤️

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Tip of the Week

Speed Up Prescription Creation

Reinna avatar
Shared by Reinna • June 26, 2024

You can utilize the built-in tools of SeriousMD to speed up your creation of prescriptions.

In many situations, you'll come to the same diagnosis and would like to prescribe the same set of meds.

By building your templates database inside SeriousMD, it makes it easier for you the more you use the app.

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You can save templates in your Settings area or just click here to jump to it.

You can also save template on the fly when you are creating a prescription.

Let's say you are creating a prescription and think "Hey, I can re-use this with a future patient."

Then just click Save as Template and give it a name before you save it. That way, it will show up in your list of templates.

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How about the single med favorites? You can still add to your list of favorites and if perhaps you want to edit it eventually, you can just go to your Settings area or click here to jump to it.

Once you build up your favorites and templates over time of using SeriousMD, you'll start to notice that sometimes, all it takes is just to click the template and click Send to Patient ❤️


Let's say you created a prescription for a patient in the past, perhaps it's for maintenance medication.

When it's time for a refill, just create a new prescription and you'll see the REPRESCRIBE

section which you can just click and it will automatically copy over the meds you prescribed. Simple and quick! 😎

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Custom Forms
Tip of the Week

Check out our library of custom forms! 📝

Chelsea avatar
Shared by Chelsea • June 06, 2024

While our platform offers a range of built-in forms to streamline your practice, we understand that every doctor has unique needs.

There are specialty-specific forms and personalized templates that can significantly enhance your note-taking and documentation process, and we want to ensure you have access to them.

That's where our Custom Forms Library comes into play—an archive of specialized forms that you can freely explore and download at your convenience.

What are Custom Forms?

Custom Forms are specialized templates designed to streamline your patient documentation process. They cover a wide range of purposes, from intake forms to consent forms, and more!

How to Access Custom Forms:

  • Step 1: Go to Settings > Templates > Custom Forms
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  • Step 2: Click on Library
  • Step 3: You may use the search bar to quickly search for the custom form you need
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  • Step 4: Once you find the form, click on it then Download
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How to use your recently downloaded custom form:

  • Step 1: Open any patient record
  • Step 2: Click + to create a new note
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  • Step 3: Go to Custom Forms or quickly search by typing
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  • Step 4: Select the custom form for use
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Tip of the Week

Add your diagnosis easily to your Rx or Med Certs

Reinna avatar
Shared by Reinna • May 31, 2024

You may be the type that prefers to always have the diagnosis indicated when you create prescriptions, certificates, and test requests for your patient.

With a click of a button, you'll be able to add the diagnosis.

Once you've entered the diagnosis under your SOAP note, you can include it on the certificate, test request, and prescription without having to retype it.

Step 1: Select the Certificate/Test Request/Prescription.

Step 2: Click the (...) button on the right-hand side. Next, click on Copy Diagnosis.

3. The diagnosis from your SOAP note will automatically be included. ✨

Take note that you should have content placed under diagnosis in the SOAP note first before creating the prescription or lab test.

We hope that this feature makes it easier for you to add the diagnosis to your document! 💯

Tip of the Week

Using the Hidden Feature in the Medical Certificate Form

Chelsea avatar
Shared by Chelsea • May 29, 2024

Did you know that there are two hidden features in our built-in medical certificate form that allows you to exclude the number of rest days when it's not needed?

The Hidden Feature #1: Inputting "0" for Rest Days

You can input "0" (zero) in the rest days section of the medical certificate form, and the corresponding sentence regarding rest days will not be included in the certificate.

Applying this is simple:

Fill out the form as usual: Start by filling out the rest of the medical certificate form as you normally would, providing all necessary medical information.

Rest Days Section: When you reach the section asking for the number of rest days recommended, simply input "0" (zero) in the corresponding field.

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The Hidden Feature #2: Further Recommendations

If you don't want to input anything under Further Recommendations, this will also not be included int he certificate.

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Complete the Certificate: Finish completing the rest of the certificate then click Save and Send to Patient.

That's it! By following this simple step, you can make your medical certificates more concise and patient-friendly.

Tip of the Week

Generate a Pay Link from Manual Billing

Chelsea avatar
Shared by Chelsea • May 29, 2024

Picture this scenario 👀

You have an appointment with a patient, and after the consultation, you create a manual bill. The patient then asks if they can pay online using their credit card.

What do you do? 🤔

Solution: You can easily generate a pay link!

  1. Locate the bill: Go to the Billing Section
  2. Generate Pay Link: Click on the (...) icon next to the bill and select "Generate Pay Link"

The status of the bill will now be "Bill Sent," indicating that an online bill has been sent to the patient.

What happens next? 💭

The patient will receive an SMS with a message like:

Thank you for consulting with Dr. Dela Cruz. Pay via: PAYLINK

The patient will see various payment options, including debit and credit card.

Once the patient completes payment, the bill's status will change from Bill Sent to Cleared