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Virtual Backgrounds Now Available for Your Online Consultations!

Chelsea avatar
Shared by Chelsea β€’ December 03, 2024

I know you've been waiting a long time for this πŸ™ The team has been working tirelessly to bring this to you, and it’s finally here.

If you’re using the SeriousMD app, you can now set a Virtual Background during your calls with patients. πŸŽ‰

It's super easy to access:

Step 1: Inside the patient record, tap on the (...) icon and select Start Virtual Consultation.

Step 2: Before starting the call, click on the (...) and choose Select Virtual Background.

Step 3: You can choose from the available backgrounds.

Step 4: Click on the back button on the upper left to return to the call screen and start your session.

Give it a try, and let us know what you think! 😊