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Speed Up Prescription Creation

Reinna avatar
Shared by Reinna • June 26, 2024

You can utilize the built-in tools of SeriousMD to speed up your creation of prescriptions.

In many situations, you'll come to the same diagnosis and would like to prescribe the same set of meds.

By building your templates database inside SeriousMD, it makes it easier for you the more you use the app.

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You can save templates in your Settings area or just click here to jump to it.

You can also save template on the fly when you are creating a prescription.

Let's say you are creating a prescription and think "Hey, I can re-use this with a future patient."

Then just click Save as Template and give it a name before you save it. That way, it will show up in your list of templates.

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How about the single med favorites? You can still add to your list of favorites and if perhaps you want to edit it eventually, you can just go to your Settings area or click here to jump to it.

Once you build up your favorites and templates over time of using SeriousMD, you'll start to notice that sometimes, all it takes is just to click the template and click Send to Patient ❤️


Let's say you created a prescription for a patient in the past, perhaps it's for maintenance medication.

When it's time for a refill, just create a new prescription and you'll see the REPRESCRIBE

section which you can just click and it will automatically copy over the meds you prescribed. Simple and quick! 😎

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